Monday, February 7, 2011

Confessions of an adrenaline junkie

Okay, okay, I admit, Jere and I are completely addicted to adrenaline and endorphins. Our latest adventure included a 4.2 mile obstacle race called the Iron Knight and of course the big move to Ohio in the middle of the winter. We laugh and call ourselves out every time we're about to do something ridiculous..."off on anther Shanna and Jere whirlwind adventure" or "next on the Shanna and Jere show".... never gets old. We love change, we love adventure, we love the unknown and thus our life is one leap of faith to another.
CrossFit Evo teams at the Iron Knight
300 Push-ups between 4 of us
40 pull-ups No Kip, girls got help! Oh yeah!
4.2 miles of running all together in between tasks
Equipment carry
The Boys did all of this task
Jere playing in the woods
Tire Flip

Humvee push
After the race we got back together for the sweetest handstand photo op ever!
The next day Jere and I were packed up and ready to hit the road. The lessons we learned in FL will be coming home to Ohio with us.  Trading the sunshine and palm trees for snow and gray skies we knew what we were getting ourselves into. We were prepared.....well at lest we thought we were, until we realized we would be driving during the worst winter storm since 1967. Awesome!
Jere drove this bad boy and I followed with his truck
Last picture in the ghetto of Orlando. : )

SPARK fueled our entire 24hr drive.
Yes exactly how I remember Ohio....gray and cold.
So thankful for my sister and her bf! They helped us move in the blizzard
Of course we helped them out the next day as they moved into their first house

Big things coming up next on the Jere and Shanna Show:
  1. New flip house
  2. Babies
  3. Crossfit Gym (starting in our garage)
Preferably in that order. : ) Tomorrow I'm going to show you how to make raw paleo dog food! And a sneak peak at our new CrossFit home, until we have a house and a garage to start ours.

In food news:
Poached eggs on top of sausage, bacon, mushroom, & peppers with some avocado
It was like a delicious stew all mixed up

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