Its been about 3 months since I redid my
goals and I'm happy to say the forward momentum that started with a simple goal writing session moved us across the country and gave us a $500 a month raise. You want to know the best feeling in the world? Well its the title of the blog so you probably guessed it...Crossing off accomplishments from your goal board. I have never felt more joy than when I'm crossing off goals from my list. Sometimes I feel like that one act is what motivates me more than the actual accomplishment of the goal. I am also a habitual list maker, (mini goal boards to cross off accomplishments) I have lists for everyday, every week and every month. I use sticky notes, white boards, my iPhone and anything I can write on. I have them everywhere they are visible to me whither I'm at the grocery store or I'm in my bed. I find myself easily distracted without a list. A.D.D what? What was that? Shinny things. See. Okay.... so I find lists most helpful when they're in an order of most important to least important and organized by time frames for each task. I can already hear the moans..."but this takes way to much time" I promise this will make you more productive than you have ever been, which in turn will buy you back more time than you could ever spend making lists. Become a list making fool, make sure your lists tie into your 1, 3 and 5 year
goals and make sure those goals match your
10 year vision. This is so important guys, know what you want. You have to know what you want....your 10 year vision should be that for you and everything you do should feed into that perfect vision you have for yourself. Be committed to your vision. No amount of
setbacks should deter you from moving toward your vision. Can it change? Sure...but not everyday, not every month. Your vision should be pretty solid once you create it. If you don't know what you want, I would not recommend making lists. What's the point? You're creating directions to nowhere. FIGURE OUT WHAT YOU TRULY WANT OUT OF YOUR LIFE. If you're completely lost and have no idea what I'm blabbing about
this is a good place to start.
Your daily lists change as the unexpected distractions of life happen. It's okay. Rearrange, redo and keep moving forward. Just like your goal board changes. You must stay on top of them to keep them relevant to your life. So in that light I'm holding myself accountable and redoing my goals again. I will be posting them by the end of the week. Things that we thought would take us much longer are coming together and rocking our world. Not going to make a huge announcement yet...but I will leave you with a clue....its not a baby...
Two intense days of in class lecture |
and Practical hands on work...and of course WOD'n |
Did I mention how proud my Hubby makes me. First time in his life he is passionate about his career choice. |
Goal accomplished CrossFit L1 Certified |
Kale wrapped lunch meat, egg, avocado. In the car. |
More fast food. |
Working on more seafood in our diet, Mahi Mahi frozen from Trader Joes Amazing! Steamed spinach and fresh guacamole |
apparently I love Kale too, kale, salmon salad from Tree Huggers |
-Mrs.T. 2011
Did my first WOD yesterday, and am starting my paleo diet tomorrow! Really owe you guys a lot of thanks for inspiring me to get to this stage :-)
ReplyDeleteI cooked my first paleo meal tonight - a stir fry. Didn't have a recipe so I just went for it using what I had, it turned out delicious though!
- Half a pound of steak cubes (from local butcher)
- Few cabbage leaves, cut into strips
- Handful of sugar snap peas
- About ten asparagus shoots
- One carrot
- Half a red bell pepper, half an orange one
- Celery
- 3 cloves minced garlic
- Seasoned with salt, pepper, paprika and a bit of chili powder
Like I say, turned out pretty good and I have a lot left over for lunch tomorrow!
Joe! That's awesome! That recipe sounds amazing! Did you check out some of the blogs that we follow to the right? Everyday Paleo and Health Bent are two that post a lot of really good recipes. Can't wait to see you this weekend! You want to WOD??