In life we face a multitude of choices and that is a very cool thing! When we demand something to change it is amazing what can happen. We stop thinking and we will it to happen. The hardest part about making that change is having a unwavering faith to see it through. Don’t feel bad it is human nature to give up, because its what we are programmed to do. Think about the time you did something really hard (ride a bike, bake a cake, write a thesis, ect.) all the while you may have gotten “ you’ll never finish…(fill in the blank)” So we quit, we conform, and everyone gives you the ole’ “its okay, maybe next time.” The whole time they are thinking, “ I told you so, and you are again as miserable me.”
Where does that leave us?
Down (more than likely)
Mediocre, (probably)
Frustrated, (of course)
… But why?
Why is it that we take ourselves for granted? We are amazing creatures of life. We have the ability to adapt and flow with whatever the universe throws at us. But the naysayers and dream stealers tear us down. So we feel like we do not need silly dreams. Then we forget what we really want in life just because it gets to tough. I challenge you to take a stand on what you really want out of this life!
Better health.
Better food.
Better sleep.
A Better self!!
Awesome stuff!!!